Tuesday 11 August 2015

Top 10 Reasons Why Diets DON’T Work.

There are a variety of reasons why Diets just don’t work, but in a nutshell they are not sustainable long term and they make you miserable, fat and ill! - See more at: If being healthy doesn’t make you happy and look forward to starting each day there is something wrong somewhere! Food should be enjoyed and not avoided or used as a treat or punishment! Food is a very social event and on these Fad diets you are alienating yourself as well as making yourself fatter.

 Here is why…

 1. Fad diets are very restrictive and lack variety for a start. Who wants to eat the same thing week in week out! Have you ever been told “You can’t do that!” and then retorted with “WATCH ME!” We all want what we cannot have so why restrict yourself as you are setting yourself up to fall.

 2. They are quick fixes with small short term fake rewards. So you have been on “insert fad diet name here” for a week now and lost “X” lbs. – now what? Are you going to carry on with the same thing now you have lost the weight you wanted? The answer is no, you are going to go back to your normal way of eating until you put it back on again then start over.Balanced-Diet It’s a simple case of calories in vs. calories out, if you are eating more than you are utilising something needs to change. Eat healthier and be more active and you will lose weight without even trying.

 3. They mess up your body’s natural balance and metabolic rate. If you significantly reduce your calorie intake you are shocking your body into starvation mode and decreasing your metabolic rate – this is the rate at which your body burns fat! So guess what? When you go back to your normal lifestyle you will gain what you lost and more, you have basically prepped your body for weight gain!

 4. Fad diets tend to concentrate on food and do not take in to account exercise. So even though you have lost weight you are wobbly. This is because you need to build muscle through strength training and eat a healthy diet…are you seeing a pattern yet? I have even heard a support group tell someone to stop weight training as they are putting on weight! Yes muscle which burns 50 calories a day extra when sitting on her bum! Losing inches was a nice side effect there too and you want me to stop?!

 5. They do not give the body the balance of complete the body needs which includes fats. Yes you need to eat fat, however we mean good fats such as avocado, nuts, and coconut oil etc. not Trans or saturated fats. By reducing fats and calories your body utilises muscle for energy. This is bad…very bad!!

 6. They don’t usually allow for snacking giving only 3 structured meals per day. This means you’re going without food for 4-6 hours. Holy Moly this would have me chomping at the bit. We all know the more hungry we become the slimmer the chance of us picking a healthy snack!

 7. We have all seen the Facebook statuses. “I have been following the ‘insert fad diet name here’ and have lost 6lbs in the first week”. I don’t want to take anything away from the hardship of starving yourself all week, this will mainly be water retention! If you eat healthy and exercise which you don’t usually do you can also lose this amount in a week, however at least you are doing it the right way. Steady and slow wins the race… and will also ensure long-term loss.

 8. I feel for carbs so much, they have such a bad rep! Everyone cuts down on carbs to lose weight but it is the refined carbs, which are full of SUGAR that you need to be careful of. You need natural carbs, which are found in vegetables and salads as they help muscle to use fat for energy! Which is what we want right?

 9. Sugar the rebel! I have seen a variety of brand name snack bars that are sold by diet companies, which mislead you and make money in the process – most of them are laced with sugar. They use fruit flavourings to make you think they’re healthy but have up to 20g of sugar per bar! OUCH!

 10. Finally, so fad diets do not give you the long-term weight loss, which you desperately want, but what they do give you are long term healthy problems from yo-yo dieting!FF-03 Such unwanted after effects can cause damage to bones, vital organs and even brain tissue!

 This is why I am so passionate about working with The Lifestyle Diet team. We provide meal plans individual to you, recipes to suit your lifestyle and encourage a whole body & mind approach & offer support every day!
 Find out more by clicking the link below.↓

  The Lifestyle Diet by Fitproclientrecipes

 Author: Kelly-Marie West is military wife and Lifestyle Coach. She focuses on nutrition and habitual changes making the clients journey gradual and an enjoyable process.

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